General Team Information
Physicals & Forms
Physicals are good for one calendar year, whether performed by the school or by your personal physician.
Swim practice is held daily from 3:00-5:00pm Monday through Friday and 6:15-8:15am on Saturdays except for meet days. Practices are held at the David YMCA pool next to the high school. Morning practice is held from 5;30-6:30am Monday-Wednesday-Friday and strength conditioning is Tuesday-Thursday. Holiday schedules will be posted when available. Diving practice is scheduled by Coach Barr and is not included on the regular calendar on this website.
No form of abuse, including child sexual abuse, has a place in our sport. As a part of our continued commitment to safeguarding our athletes, USA Swimming has enacted enhancements to our Safe Sport policy and education requirements.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport (“the Center”), the separate, independent, organization that oversees all sexual misconduct reports in the Olympic and Paralympic Movement created the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies to set a baseline for acceptable safety standards that limit one-on-one interactions between adults and minor athletes.
Click the logo below to find educational resources to assist you in understanding and implementing these requirements. Join us in our commitment to do more to keep our athletes safe and abuse out of our sport.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport (“the Center”), the separate, independent, organization that oversees all sexual misconduct reports in the Olympic and Paralympic Movement created the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies to set a baseline for acceptable safety standards that limit one-on-one interactions between adults and minor athletes.
Click the logo below to find educational resources to assist you in understanding and implementing these requirements. Join us in our commitment to do more to keep our athletes safe and abuse out of our sport.